Equality, Diversity
and Inclusion Policy 

  • Scope

    The policy applies to all employees, clients, communities, suppliers and contractors, whether permanent or temporary. 

    The policy applies to all processes relating to employment and training and to any dealings with customers and clients. Decisions relating to customers and communities will be based on business-related criteria only and any irrelevant information will not form part of the process. 

    The Community Manager is responsible for implementing and monitoring equality, diversity and inclusion at the CST in the delivery of services, however projects leads are responsible for the monitoring of equality, diversity and inclusion of their individual projects. 

    Jemma Nicholson is the named Trustee lead for equality, diversity and inclusion and is responsible for promoting equality, diversity and inclusion within the CCO and in the delivery. 

  • Introduction

    CST is an equal opportunity employer and is fully committed to a policy of treating all of its employees and job applicants equally. CST will avoid unlawful discrimination in all aspects of employment including recruitment and selection, promotion, transfer, opportunities for training, pay and benefits, other terms of employment, discipline, selection for redundancy and dismissal. 

    CST will take all reasonable steps to employ, train and promote employees on the basis of their experience, abilities and qualifications without regard to age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race (including colour, nationality, ethnic or national origins and caste), religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation. In this policy, these are known as the "protected characteristics". 

    Employees have a duty to co-operate with CST to make sure that this policy is effective in ensuring equal opportunities and in preventing discrimination. Action will be taken under CST's disciplinary procedure against any employee who is found to have committed an act of improper or unlawful discrimination. Serious breaches of this policy will be treated as potential gross misconduct and could render the employee liable to summary dismissal. Employees should bear in mind that they can be held personally liable for any act of unlawful discrimination. 

    You should draw the attention of your line manager to suspected discriminatory acts or practices. You must not victimise or retaliate against an employee who has made allegations or complaints of discrimination or who has provided information about such discrimination. Such behaviour will be treated as potential gross misconduct in accordance with CST's disciplinary procedure. You should support colleagues who suffer such treatment and are making a complaint. 

    CST has a separate policy statement which deals with harassment, bullying and intimidation and sets out how complaints of that type will be dealt with. 

  • Direct discrimination

    Direct discrimination occurs when, because of one of the protected characteristics, a job applicant or an employee is treated less favourably than other job applicants or employees are treated or would be treated. 

    The treatment will still amount to direct discrimination even if it is based on the protected characteristic of a third party with whom the job applicant or employee is associated and not on the job applicant's or employee's own protected characteristic. In addition, it can include cases where it is perceived that a job applicant or an employee has a particular protected characteristic when in fact they do not. 

    Discrimination after employment is also unlawful if it arises out of and is closely connected to the employment relationship, for example refusing to give a reference or providing an unfavourable reference for a reason related to one of the protected characteristics. 

    CST will take all reasonable steps to eliminate direct discrimination in all aspects of employment. 

  • Indirect discrimination

    Indirect discrimination is treatment that may be equal in the sense that it applies to all job applicants or employees but which is discriminatory in its effect on, for example, one particular sex or racial group. 

    Indirect discrimination occurs when there is applied to the job applicant or employee a provision, criterion or practice (PCP) which is discriminatory in relation to a protected characteristic of the job applicant's or employee's. A PCP is discriminatory in relation to a protected characteristic of the job applicant's or employee's if: 

    • it is applied, or would be applied, to persons with whom the job applicant or employee does not share the protected characteristic
    • the PCP puts, or would put, persons with whom the job applicant or employee shares the protected characteristic at a particular disadvantage when compared with persons with whom the job applicant or employee does not share it
    • it puts, or would put, the job applicant or employee at that disadvantage, and
    • it cannot be shown by CST to be a proportionate means of achieving a legitimate aim.

    CST will take all reasonable steps to eliminate indirect discrimination in all aspects of employment. 

  • Victimisation

    Victimisation occurs when an employee is subjected to a detriment, such as being denied a training opportunity or a promotion, because they have raised or supported a grievance or complaint of unlawful discrimination, or because they have issued employment tribunal proceedings for unlawful discrimination or they have given evidence in connection with unlawful discrimination proceedings brought by another employee. However, an employee is not protected if they give false evidence or information, or make a false allegation, and they do so in bad faith. 

    Post-employment victimisation is also unlawful, for example refusing to give a reference or providing an unfavourable reference because the former employee has done one of the protected acts set out above. 

    CST will take all reasonable steps to eliminate victimisation in all aspects of employment. 

  • Recruitment, advertising and selection

    The recruitment process will be conducted in such a way as to result in the selection of the most suitable person for the job in terms of relevant experience, abilities and qualifications. CST is committed to applying its equality, diversity and inclusion policy statement at all stages of recruitment and selection. 

    Advertisements will aim to positively encourage applications from all suitably qualified and experienced people. When advertising job vacancies, in order to attract applications from all sections of the community, CST will, as far as reasonably practicable: 

    1. Ensure advertisements are not confined to those areas or publications which would exclude or disproportionately reduce the numbers of applicants with a particular protected characteristic.
    2. Avoid setting any unnecessary provisions or criteria which would exclude a higher proportion of applicants with a particular protected characteristic.

    Where vacancies may be filled by promotion or transfer, they will be published to all eligible employees in such a way that they do not restrict applications from employees with a particular protected characteristic. 

    However, where, having regard to the nature and context of the work, having a particular protected characteristic is an occupational requirement and that occupational requirement is a proportionate means of achieving a legitimate aim, CST will apply that requirement to the job role and this may therefore be specified in the advertisement. 

    The selection process will be carried out consistently for all jobs at all levels. All applications will be processed in the same way. The staff responsible for short-listing, interviewing and selecting candidates will be clearly informed of the selection criteria and of the need for their consistent application. Person specifications and job descriptions will be limited to those requirements that are necessary for the effective performance of the job. 

    Wherever possible, all applicants will be interviewed by at least two interviewers and all questions asked of the applicants will relate to the requirements of the job. The selection of new staff will be based on the job requirements and the individual's suitability and ability to do, or to train for, the job in question. 

    With disabled job applicants, CST will have regard to its duty to make reasonable adjustments to work provisions, criteria and practices or to physical features of work premises or to provide auxiliary aids or services in order to ensure that the disabled person is not placed at a substantial disadvantage in comparison with persons who are not disabled. 

    If it is necessary to assess whether personal circumstances will affect the performance of the job (for example, if the job involves unsociable hours or extensive travel), this will be discussed objectively, without detailed questions based on assumptions about any of the protected characteristics. 

  • Access to Work

    CST encourages all disabled job applicants and employees, and those with health conditions or mental health conditions, to apply to the government's Access to Work scheme for a grant. An Access to Work grant can pay for practical support to help you either start work or stay in work. How much you may be awarded depends on your circumstances. 

    To qualify for an Access to Work grant in relation to employment you must: 

    • have a disability, health condition or mental health condition that affects your ability to work
    • be aged 16 or over
    • live in England, Scotland or Wales; and
    • have a paid job, a job interview or be about to start a job, work experience or an apprenticeship.

    In addition, your disability or health condition must either affect your ability to do a job or mean you have to pay work-related costs, for example special computer equipment. It must also either be likely to last at least a year or have already lasted at least a year. Where you have a mental health condition, your condition must both affect your ability to do a job and mean you need support to start a new job, reduce absence from work or stay in work. 

    If you are awarded a grant, the money can pay for things like special equipment, adaptations to the equipment you use, fares to work if you can't use public transport, a support worker or job coach to help you in the workplace and a communicator at a job interview. 

    You can apply for an Access to Work grant either online (https://www.gov.uk/access-to­work/apply) or by phoning the Access to Work scheme on 0800 121 7479. Once you have applied, an Access to Work advisor will then contact CST and may also wish to visit you at work. 

    If you are eligible, CST encourages you to apply for an Access to Work grant either before starting work for us or within six weeks of your start date as the grant may then cover all of the agreed costs, rather than just a proportion of them. 

    Access to Work is a government scheme and eligibility is strictly governed by the terms set by the government from time to time. It is also entirely the government's decision as to whether to award you a grant. CST has no responsibility or liability for decisions made by the government. 

  • Training and promotion

    CST will train all line managers in CST's policy on equal opportunities and in helping them identify and deal effectively with discriminatory acts or practices. Line managers will be responsible for ensuring they actively promote equality of opportunity within the departments for which they are responsible. 

    CST will also provide training to all employees to help them understand their rights and responsibilities in relation to equal opportunities and what they can do to create a work environment that is free from discrimination. 

    Where a promotional system is in operation, it will not be discriminatory and it will be checked from time to time to assess how it is working in practice. When a group of workers who predominantly have a particular protected characteristic appear to be excluded from access to promotion, transfer and training and to other benefits, the promotional system will be reviewed to ensure there is no unlawful discrimination. 

  • Terms of employment, benefits, facilities and services

    All terms of employment, benefits, facilities and services will be reviewed from time to time, in order to ensure that there is no unlawful direct or indirect discrimination because of one or more of the protected characteristics. 

  • Equal pay and equality of terms

    CST is committed to equal pay and equality of terms in employment. It believes its male and female employees should receive equal pay where they are carrying out like work, work rated as equivalent under a job evaluation study or work of equal value. In order to achieve this, CST will endeavour to maintain a pay system that is fair and transparent, free from gender bias and based on objective criteria. 

    Where it is legally obliged to do so, CST will also prepare and publish an annual gender pay gap report in accordance with statutory requirements from time to time in force. 

  • New Service Delivery Impact Assessment

    When considering whether or not to get involved with a new project or service, both the staff and trustees of CST consider a wide-range of issues regarding the relevance and suitability of the project / service as well as our own internal ability to deliver it to the highest possible standards. 

    CST is committed to the principles of equality, diversity and inclusion we will not discriminate on the grounds of any protected characteristics. 

    CST uses these principles to help guide decisions with regards to getting involved in new projects or services and take time to consider how the CST can ensure that they are marketed and delivered in a truly inclusive manner. 

    CST wants to ensure all sections of the community have a fair and equal opportunity to access any or all of CST's activities. 

    CST wants everyone who comes into contact with the Trust to feel valued and respected and CST programmes, activities and general ways of working to demonstrate our commitment to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion. CST works hard to create a positive and inclusive working environment for all staff and participants. 

    Where relevant the Community Manager will sit down with trustees, staff and sometimes participants to plan out new activities and projects and to help identify potential barriers which could exclude participation. 

    Some of the key areas CST always consider include; 

    Cost: this is kept to a level which CST feel is affordable to all, CST offers single day or multiple day payments with siblings discounted for certain activities. 

    Travel: CST always try to have central venues relevant to individual project requirements which can be easily accessed. 

    Booking: Booking on CST activities can be done in a variety of ways, and also dependant on project requirements which will be specified to all participants. I.e. online for anyone having access to computer/laptop, via application forms, this can be posted direct to CST or handed in personally at CST office or alternatively on the day, pay on the day is very popular with participants who are unsure if they will attend. 

    Promotion: The CST advertise all their activities through social media, we also produce posters and leaflets to distribute in schools, community centres, medical practices and all our clubs to ensure everyone can access our activities. We keep abreast of the best ways to ensure our marketing and promotional materials are inclusive, including following guidance from: 

    Times: CST assess the timing of new project delivery based on the target audience of the activity. i.e. during our holiday courses we have an early drop to ensure parents can arrive with their children in good time to then go to work, also pick up, staff stay after finishing time to ensure children are safely picked up after the day finishes. 

    We actively support inclusion campaigns run by both Kick it Out and Show Racism the Red Card. 

  • Reporting complaints

    All allegations of discrimination will be dealt with seriously, confidentially and speedily. The Trust will not ignore or treat lightly grievances or complaints of unlawful discrimination from employees. 

    If you wish to make a complaint of discrimination, you should do so promptly and use CST's grievance procedure (CSTP02). 

    Any employee who is found to unfairly discriminate against another employee or potential employee due to the characteristics listed above will therefore be dealt with in accordance with CST's disciplinary procedure (CSTP01). In certain circumstances an offence of this nature may constitute gross misconduct, resulting in summary dismissal

  • Monitoring and Evaluation

    CST will work with Carlisle United Football Club to produce an equality action plan that will include SMART diversity targets. This will be reviewed and approved by the trustees at least once a year. 

    CST will regularly monitor the effects of selection decisions and personnel and pay practices and procedures in order to assess whether equal opportunity is being achieved. This will also involve considering any possible indirectly discriminatory effects of its working practices. If changes are required, CST will implement them. CST will also make reasonable adjustments to its standard working practices to overcome substantial disadvantages caused by disability.


    The CST will ensure that regular equality audits of the Board, staff, volunteers and participants are carried out by the project leads. 

    CST will also complete project specific monitoring and evaluation in line with the CST's Monitoring and Evaluation policy (CSTP33). The CST may collect anonamized information on their participants and use the information to assess: 

    • diversity of the participants accessing the CST's services, compared against the demographics of the community in which the CST operates
    • suitability and effectiveness of its services
    • performance against its equality, diversity and inclusion objectives
    • where its services should be open to all and where they should be targeted
    • where specific programmes might be developed to increase engagement among underrepresented and/or specific groups in the community.
  • Staff learning and development

    We think it is important that all our staff can contribute to the achievement of the department's objectives. Staff have access to learning and development products covering all equality areas. 

    There is also a staff representation for age, disability, gender, race, transgender, sexual orientation and work-life balance. The Equality Group contributes directly to Community goals by raising concerns and promoting best practice. 

    The CST will provide as a minimum to all staff and volunteers (including the Board) on training equality, diversity and inclusion: 

    • within one month of joining the CST
    • at least once every two years thereafter.


The policy will be reviewed on an ongoing basis to reflect changes in the law, demographics and internal business requirements and as a minimum will be reviewed once every three years. 

Policy Approved By:

John Halpin, Community Manager, Authorised CST Manager

Jemma Nicholson, Trustee, Authorised CST Manager

Issue Date: October 2021

Review Date: October 2024

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