

  • Introduction

    The community project at Carlisle United began in February 1989. It was part of the Professional Footballers Association’s (PFA) National ‘Football in the Community’ initiative, the aim of which was to increase the involvement of clubs in their local communities. The idea was to use the power and draw of the professional game to make a positive difference to the lives of local people, young and old, through the provision for them of activities and services.

  • What we do

    We provide largely sport and community-related activities, experiences and services with the aim of improving lives of participants,

    Within that provision, ensuring there is a focus on health, well-being, disadvantage and social welfare

    Contributing to the educational advancement of children and young people and developing and maintaining sustainable relationships with partners.

    We recognise that our operations result in emissions to air and water, and the generation of waste. It is our aim to comply with legislation and other requirements, continue to reduce the environmental impacts of our organisation and operate in an environmentally responsible manner. This policy describes how we will achieve our aim.

  • Our vision, mission and values

    Vision: Inspire people to participate, develop and achieve their goals through the power of sport.

    Mission: To deliver an innovative and attractive range of activities to educate, inspire and improve the health and wellbeing of people in the local and wider community.

    Our Values:

    • Deliver quality and professional activity.
    • Take pride in our people and our work.
    • Inspire change and fulfil potential.
    • Respect individuals and celebrate diversity.
    • Value, and are valued by, our community.
  • Recruitment

    CST welcomes volunteers from all walks of life. We actively encourage equality, diversity and inclusion, not just because it is law, but because it is the right thing to do.

    Our aim is to promote Equality. Diversity and Inclusion to ensure everyone is treated fairly and assessed in relation to their individual skills and abilities.

    We will use appropriate means to advertise for volunteers locally that take into account the principles of our Equality & Diversity policy. The applicant must complete an application form, but help can be given with this if necessary. The applicant will be interviewed by the Community Manager and if successful two references will be taken up. The Trust works with children and adults at risk, a criminal record check with the Disclosure and barring service (DBS) will be made for every volunteer.

  • Induction and Training

    Volunteers will receive an induction which will include:

    • The role of the volunteer.
    • A list of all staff members and volunteers.
    • A list of Management Committee members and sub-committees.
    • Copies of all the relevant policies including this volunteer policy and as a minimum Child Protection and Adult at Risk Policies, Confidentiality, GDPR, Health and Safety, Equality & Diversity, Bullying and Harassment, Quality Assurance.
    • Essential procedures i.e. timekeeping, rota etc.
    • Insurance
    • Induction training and details of ongoing training and development.
    • Information about the relevant Code of Conduct including the use of Social Media.
    • Support and performance management.
    • Other information as appropriate.

    There will be a trial period of 4 weeks to give the Trust and the volunteer time to discover if they are suited to each other. A review will be made midway through the trial period and also at the end.

  • Expenses

    We value our volunteers and want to ensure that there are no barriers to volunteer involvement. All out-of-pocket expenses, if required, will be reimbursed, including expenses for travel, however this should be agreed in writing with the Community Manager before incurring the expense. In order to claim expenses, an expenses form must be completed and given to the Community Manager.

    Following a successful trail period, the Trust will also provide the volunteer with items of kit and any equipment required for sessions they cover. Should the volunteer cease in their role then they would be required to return any kit and equipment to the Community Manager.

    All volunteers should read and follow the Business Gifts and Hospitality policy.

  • Expectations / Responsibilities

    As a volunteer, you have the responsibility to:

    • Be reliable
    • Respect confidentiality
    • Read and adhere to the Trust’s Safeguarding and whistleblowing policies.
    • Let your manager know as early as possible if you’re unable to make a scheduled activity / task
    • Carry out the role in adherence to the job description
    • Ask for support when you need it
    • Be accountable for your actions
    • Be courteous to staff and other volunteers
    • Give advance notice when you plan to stop volunteering, or to take a ‘break’ from your volunteer duties
    • Value and support other volunteers and employees
    • Raise any issues you may have with the community manager and not speak badly of the organisation to members, staff, residents, the community or other volunteers
  • Support and Development

    The Community / Assistant Manager will support all volunteers and will have regular supervision meetings (minimum once every 8 weeks) to support the volunteer’s development and discuss any problems or issues that may arise.

    During these supervisions the Community / assistant Manager will set expectations, monitor performance, offer training and development opportunities, in line with the Training and Development policy.

    Trust staff will also offer support to volunteers. There will be a briefing session at the beginning and a de-briefing at the end of each session.

  • Insurance

    The organisation has a valid insurance policy which you are required to read, a copy will be provided to you.

  • Confidentiality and Data Protection

    This organisation’s process requires a strict confidentiality and GDPR adherence. Volunteers will be required to read and adhere to these policies, along with any other relevant policies provided to you by the Community Manager.

  • Resolving Problems

    The relationship between the organisation and its volunteer workers is entirely voluntary and does not imply any contract. However, it is important that the organisation is able to maintain its agreed standards of service to the clients who use it and it is also important that volunteers should enjoy making their contribution to this service.

    If your role as a volunteer does not meet with the organisation’s standards, here is how it will be dealt with:

    1. Initially with a meeting with the Community Manager who will explain the concerns.
    2. If this does not resolve the concern, then a meeting with our HR Trustee will be convened.
    3. If your work still does not meet with our standards, then we shall have to stop using your services.

    If you are dissatisfied with any aspect of your work, you should:

    1. Initially explain your dissatisfaction with the Line manager.
    2. If that does not resolve the concern, then a meeting with the Community Manager should be convened.
    3. If that does not resolve the issue, then a formal meeting with the HR Trustee should follow.
    4. If after this, your dissatisfaction remains unresolved, and we are unable to resolve your grievance, then it would be inappropriate for you to continue to be a volunteer.

    At all times you will be freely able to state your case and can have a friend to accompany you.

    This Volunteer policy is freely accessible to all. It will be reviewed on a yearly basis to adapt or improve it.

    CST would like to take this opportunity to thank you for offering your time and comment to the trust. We hope you enjoy volunteering for us and find it a rewarding experience.

Policy Approved By: 

Community Manager: John Halpin

Trustee: Jim Mitchell

Issue: V2 07.11.2019 

Review Date: April 2022 

Authorised CST Manager: John Halpin 

Authorised CST Trustee: Jim Mitchell 

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